Evolve ENT and COVID 19
Last Updated: 30/3/2020
Practice Pause
Unfortunately, the emerging COVID-19 crisis has resulted in a temporary closure of Evolve ENT.
In keeping with new national regulatory rules governing ENT surgeons, Evolve ENT has regrettably suspended practice. These regulations have been put in place by ASOHNS, the governing body of Australian ENT Surgeons, to help ‘flatten the curve’ of the pandemic, while protecting healthcare workers, clinic employees and visitors to the clinic while Australia works its way through the crisis.
Your well-being is important to us.
Evolve ENT will continue to assist our GP partners in supporting our shared patients. We will facilitate the care of urgent and acutely unwell patients via the SCUH ENT Department, where all Evolve Consultants continue working as part of the Qld Health response to COVID-19.
Evolve surgeons can unfortunately not see new or existing patients in person. We will, however, continue to provide phone assistance to your GP where needed, and all urgent developments or clinical deterioration will be managed in conjunction with our ENT team at SCUH.
Evolve would like to extend its sincere apologies, and reassure patients and GPs that this extraordinary measure is not a voluntary one, but occurs as a result of strict and broadranging reductions in permissible ENT care in Australia. These regulations apply to all ENT surgeons. They have been imposed to protect Australians and their healthcare workers as we navigate the COVID-19 crisis. The regulations apply to both public and private hospitals, and restrict outpatient/clinic appointments and all elective operations. All cancer and urgent procedures will still proceed under our ongoing care at SCUH.
We encourage you and your GP to stay in touch during this difficult time.
If you have concerns, please call or email with any clinical questions so that we can maintain care of our shared patients to the best of our ability. We wish to reassure our patients and GP colleagues that Evolve’s phones will remain operational from 10-2pm daily to ensure non-urgent clinical and clerical enquiries are answered promptly.
After hours emergencies are directed to the nearest emergency department.
Please note that Evolve consultants form the vast majority of the public ENT workforce, and are well-connected within the SCUH ENT environment. We are working hard to ensure safety-net provisions are maintained for all ENT patients during this difficult time.
Evolve ENT looks forward to recommencing our full range of ENT services once the pandemic emergency has resolved. Until then, stay safe and please help us flatten the curve by practicing good hygiene, social distancing, and staying home where you can.