Developing immunity to the range of infectious organisms we encounter as humans is an important part of your child’s developmental timeline. However, some families find their child is plagued by ‘back-to-back’ headcolds – no sooner does the nose dry up, than another ‘cold’ sets in.
The nose that “constantly” runs is not normal – even if it eventually ‘seems’ normal to families whose children are affected.
A continually runny nose irritates the facial skin, interrupts sleep, spreads infection and can create negative social stigma – creating problems for children, friends and teachers in the group care environment. As most parents and teachers know, young children are not good at blowing their nose, and teachers are often too busy in the classroom to ensure children with runny noses maintain a clean and hygienic face, in spite of their best efforts.
There are allergic, infectious and anatomical causes for the ‘cold that never ends’, and your Evolve ENT will review with you a range of effective treatments – from natural and non-invasive through to surgical – depending on the cause of your child’s problem.