Neck lumps that ‘come and go’ in children are common, and usually represent benign lymph node activity – your child’s immune response to the upper respiratory infections, and skin infections within the head and neck. Occasionally, these lumps fail to resolve and your GP will request specialist review and advice. As part of this process, your Evolve ENT will perform a thorough assessment in the clinic – this may include, in some cases, a flexible telescope test to examine the inner surfaces of the head and neck. Occasionally, they may refer your child for a blood test, and/or a needle test with ultrasound scan guidance. Rarely, a child may require a small operation under general anaesthetic to verify the nature of a neck lump, especially if your GP or paediatrician is concerned about serious causes. Your Evolve ENT can advise you and liaise with your child’s treating doctors to establish the best path for your child.